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Embaixada da Suécia Bucharest, Romania

Hora local 06:28

The Embassy is closed on 26 March

The Embassy is closed on 26 March.

Última atualização 23 jan 2024

”Before You Go” Campaign

In the Baltic Sea Region, labour exploitation and human trafficking for forced labour is still prevalent in a number of industries, especially in construction, hospitality, berry picking and domestic services. An information campaign jointly developed by the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and the Swedish Gender Equality Agency launched 15 November 2022 aims at informing labour migrants and displaced persons about the risks of labour exploitation and how to avoid them, and about the rights they have as workers. Specifically geared towards people from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Poland and Romania who plan to work in Sweden, the campaign features a video with advice, to their compatriots, from people who have already settled in there. To read more about the campaign and to see the video, follow this link:

Última atualização 05 dez 2022
Participação para o UD

Suspeita de irregularidades

Se suspeitar de crime ou de outras irregularidades ligadas às atividades do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, informe o Serviço de Supervisão Legal do UD (UD:s regeltillsyn). Obs! O formulário de participação está em inglês.

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Universidades na Suécia

Studyinsweden é o site oficial para informações sobre estudos universitários na Suécia.

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Bem-vindo à Suécia

O site oficial para turismo e viagens na Suécia.

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