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Embaixada da SuéciaTokyo, Japan

Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Tokyo, Japan.

Local Time 19:31


29 abr 2023

Entry to Japan

Situation in Japan

You will find information about the situation in Japan on the webpage of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. 

Entry to Japan

From the 29 April, there is no need to show a vaccination certificate or PCR-test when enter Japan.

Advice to Swedish travellers

Information for tourits can be found at the website here.
Japan National Tourism Organization.  

Information about Tokyo is accessible here.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Information for foreign residents in Japan is available at Foreign Residents Support Center (FRESC). 

Tokyo Coronavirus Support Center for Foreign Residents (TOCOS) gives advice in English to foreign citizens in Tokyo, telephone number 0120-296-004. TOCOS is open weekdays 10.00-17.00.

Information and contacts in Sweden

Swedish travelers are recommended to download the app UD Resklar, with easy to access travel information. If you haven’t registered your stay abroad, you are recommended to do so.
UD Resklar - mobilapp - Sweden Abroad

Última atualização 29 abr 2023, 23.39