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The Ambassador of Sweden in Addis Ababa is Ambassador to Ethiopia as well as Sweden’s Special Representative to the African Union and the regional organisation IGAD. The Ambassador is also accredited to Djibouti where there is a Swedish Consulate. The Embassy, which has approximatley 50 staff members, consists of five sections: the section for political, commercial and cultural affairs; the sections for bilateral and regional development cooperation; the administrative and consular section as well as the migration section.
Sweden has had relations with Ethiopia since 1866 when the first Swedish missionaries arrived. Ethiopia was also the first country that received development aid from Sweden, starting as early as 1954.
The plot of 4 650 square meters, where the Chancery and Residence stand was handed over in 1946 as a gift from the Ethiopian Government. The Residence-building was erected 1939-1941. The Embassy was first situated in the basement of the Residence. The Chancery itself was built between the years 1961 and 1962. In 1995 it was decided to integrate the offices of Sida (Swedish International Development Agency) with the Swedish Foreign Missions abroad and so in 1998 the second floor of the Chancery was ready for use. Because of the increasing demand on the migration section, the old so called visa-building was rebuilt. The 1st of July 2007 the new building was ready for use.
All buildings on the plot are administered by the Swedish National Property Board.
A Suécia tem relações diplomáticas com quase todos os países do mundo. Em cerca de metade destes, a Suécia tem embaixadas e consulados. representação externa sueco consiste de aproximadamente 100 350 e embaixadas honörkonsulat.