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Consulate-General Shanghai, China

Hora local 11:49
Lieselotte van der Meijs/
Lieselotte van der Meijs/

Visa and residence permit

If you would like to visit Sweden, work or study in Sweden you might need a visa or a residence permit. Consulate General of Sweden cooperates with VFS in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang.

Find out more about the requirements and how you apply below. 

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Photo station
Photo station

Biometrics, passport check and residence permit card

If you need to leave biometrics or show your passport at the Consulate General or have questions about your Residence Permit card, please see below information.

Drop-in to migration section Monday to Friday 09:00-11:00. 

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Passport and ID card

You can apply for a passport and ID card at the Consulate General in Shanghai only by appointment. If you apply at the Embassy in Beijing or another passport authority, you can choose to retrieve the passport in Shanghai.

Book an appointment online for application or retrieving passport.

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Fazer negócios com a Suécia

Aqui poderá obter informação abrangente de como fazer negócios com a Suécia.

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Participação para o UD

Suspeita de irregularidades

Se suspeitar de crime ou de outras irregularidades ligadas às atividades do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, informe o Serviço de Supervisão Legal do UD (UD:s regeltillsyn). Obs! O formulário de participação está em inglês.

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Bem-vindo à Suécia

O site oficial para turismo e viagens na Suécia.

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Universidades na Suécia

Studyinsweden é o site oficial para informações sobre estudos universitários na Suécia.

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