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Sveriges ambassad Belize, Stockholm-based

Local time 20:25

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Tilkynning til utanríkisráðuneytisins

Grunur um misferli

Ef grunur vaknar um brot eða annað misferli sem tengist starfsemi utanríkisstjórnsýslunnar, vinsamlegast tilkynnið til reglueftirlits Utanríkisráðuneytisins. Ath! Upplýsingarnar á tilkynningareyðublaðinu eru á ensku.

Meira hér

Great nature and friendly people

If you want to know where to stay and what to do when touristing in Sweden, Visit Sweden is for you. Try the hipster life of Stockholm or skiing in Åre. You can even do the online booking.Great nature and friendly people

Visit Sweden
Study in Sweden logotype

Discover universities in Sweden is a comprehensive, official resource on higher education in Sweden for prospective and current international students.

Study in Sweden

Sweden's aid to the world

In 2010, a transparency guarantee was introduced to Swedish development assistance. The guarantee means that public documentation and information about Swedish aid are actively made available on the Web.