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Ambassade de Suède Bern, Switzerland

Local time 5:26 AM
foto: Anna Hållams/

The embassy is closed on the Friday 21st of June

05 Jun 2024

The embassy is closed on the The embassy is closed on the Friday 21st of June. The embassy opens again on Monday 24th of June.


Frequently asked questions


  • Hanna Hartman
    Hanna Hartman (photo: Peter Gannushkin)
    22 Jan 2019
    Having developed her very own language, the Swedish sound artist and composer Hanna Hartman creates compositions that are exclusively made up from authentic sounds which she has recorded around the world. Sounds are taken out of their original context and thus perceived in their purity.
  • Winter an der Ostsee
    "Winter an der Ostsee" (zvg)
    20 Jan 2019
    Svea Guémy (flute), Susanna Fini (violin) and Iris Guémy (cello) – all members of the “Baltic Quartet” and originally from Sweden and Estonia - will take us to a musical journey and discovery around the Baltic Sea.
  • Carry Persson
    Carry Persson (photo: zvg)
    21 Dec 2018
    Carry Persson, the Swedish opera singer (baryton) had his debut at the Royal Opera Stockholm with “il Conte” in Le nozze di Figaro . His singing career (over 60 roles) took him from Scandinavia to Germany, Austria, USA, Russia, France, Belgium and Switzerland. In December, Carry Persson (and guests) can be seen with two different programs:
X logotype

Swedish Embassy Bern

Embassy of Sweden in Bern - X

Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur la Suède?

Comment déposer une plainte auprès du ministère des Affaires étrangères

Soupçon d’irrégularités

Si vous constatez une infraction ou d'autres irrégularités liées aux activités du ministère des Affaires étrangères et des missions diplomatiques, vous pouvez déposer votre plainte auprès le Service de surveillance réglementaire du ministère des Affaires étrangères. Les informations figurant dans le formulaire de dépôt de plainte sont en anglais.

En savoir plus
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Découvrez les universités suédoises! est une ressource officielle complète sur l'éducation supérieure en Suède pour les étudiants internationaux, futurs ou actuels.

Study in Sweden

Un monde à explorer

Le site officiel du tourisme et du voyage en Suède.

En savoir plus