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Accept all Only criticalMEXT Minister Hagiuda and Sweden’s Minister for Higher Education and Research this week had a bilateral discussion on further deepening the countries’ Research and Innovation collaboration, and also extending it to include Education on the important topic of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Concerning Research and Innovation, the strategic university network collaboration Mirai 2.0 with 19 Swedish and Japanese Universities were brought up, the state-of-the-art Neutron Spallation and Synchrotron Research Infrastructure Facilities, and co-creation programme for addressing and bringing forward innovative solutions to societal challenges were discussed. Minister Hagiuda ended the bilateral by stating that Minister Ernkrans is the minister he has had most contacts with of all through physical and online meetings, and a consensus was to continue the close collaboration and interactions.
La Suède a des relations diplomatiques avec presque tous les pays du monde. Dans environ la moitié d'entre eux, la Suède a des ambassades et consulats. représentation étrangère suédoise se compose d'environ 100 ambassades et 350 honörkonsulat.