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Embajada de Suecia Skopje, North Macedonia

Hora local 5:06

Fire in Kochani

The Embassy is in regular contact with the Macedonian authorities following the tragic discotheque fire in Kochani on 15-16 March.

Última actualización 17 mar. 2025

Changes for those residing in Bosnia and Herzegovina who wish to apply for residence and work permit

Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina have until now turned to the Swedish Embassy in Sarajevo for applications for residence and work permit. As from March 10, 2025, the Embassy in Sarajevo will no longer handle migration related matters, you should contact the Embassy of Sweden in Skopje, North Macedonia, from 18.02.2025 for interview, passport check, biometrics etcetera.

Read more:
Última actualización 07 feb. 2025

Migration matters for persons legally residing in Ukraine and Georgia

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the embassy in Kyiv handles no longer any types of migration cases. This applies until further notice. The embassy in Skopje receives residences of Ukraine and Georgia who want to apply for a visa or residence and work permit. The same goes for other migration-related matters such as booking an interview.

Última actualización 22 jun. 2023


Notificación al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

Sospecha de irregularidades

Si tiene quejas o sospechas de delitos o irregularidades en relación con las actividades del servicio exterior, puede denunciarlo al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Suecia.

Presente una queja al servicio exterior de Suecia (en inglés)

Denuncie presuntos delitos u otras irregularidades (en inglés)

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