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Embajada de Suecia Reykjavík, Iceland

Hora local 14:21

Seismic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula

A lot of seismic activity has taken place on the Reykjanes Peninsula recently. The situation is still uncertain, but it is likely that more outbreaks are to be expected in the future. This primarily affects the town of Grindavik, which has been evacuated since November last year. The Svartsengi energy plant and the blue lagoon are also affected. Access to these is still limited. Keflavik airport has not been affected to any great extent - the roads there are open and flights have not been hindered. Everyone is asked to follow the advice of local authorities and to stay updated on the situation. For more information, see the embassy's travel information containing links to Icelandic authorities and news reporting.

The embassy's travel info
Última actualización 19 nov. 2024



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Notificación al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

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Estudiar en Suecia es un completo recurso oficial sobre la educación superior en Suecia para estudiantes internacionales.

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