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Embajada de Suecia Copenhagen, Denmark

Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Local time 4:16

Recommendation to Swedes abroad

The threat to Sweden and Swedish interests abroad was already classed as heightened. In light of the fact that two Swedes have been killed in Brussels following a suspected terrorist act, Swedes abroad are encouraged to exercise increased caution and vigilance, and follow the advice of local authorities. Swedes abroad are also encouraged to register on the list of Swedish citizens abroad, and download the UD Resklar app and activate push notifications for the country in question.

Register on the list of Swedish citizens abroad (only in swedish)
Última actualización 17 oct. 2023

Travelling to Sweden

You can find all information about the Swedish border regulations on the website of the Swedish Police

You can find all covid 19-related information on the Swedish authorities website

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Travelling to Denmark

You can find all information about the Danish border regulations on the website of the Danish Police

You can find all covid 19-related information on the Danish authorities website


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Notificación al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

Sospecha de irregularidades

Si tiene quejas o sospechas de delitos o irregularidades en relación con las actividades del servicio exterior, puede denunciarlo al Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Suecia.

Presente una queja al servicio exterior de Suecia (en inglés)

Denuncie presuntos delitos u otras irregularidades (en inglés)

Study in Sweden logotype

Estudiar en Suecia es un completo recurso oficial sobre la educación superior en Suecia para estudiantes internacionales.

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¡Le damos la bienvenida a Suecia!

Para planificar sus vacaciones visite la página web oficial de Suecia sobre turismo y viajes.

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