圣诞及新年期间开放时间 总领事馆于 12 月 25 日星期一、12 月 26 日星期二和 1 月 1 日星期一闭馆。 如遇领事紧急情况,可拨打总领事馆电话+86 21 5359 9610,电话可转接至外交部领事保护中心。总领事馆在中环广场祝大家圣诞快乐、新年快乐! China Standard Time
1月16日闭馆时间变更通知 1月16日周四瑞典驻上海总领事馆将于中午12点提前闭馆。 如遇紧急情况,请拨打领馆电话021 5359 9610。 China Standard Time
何时能够领取居留许可卡 当居留许可卡到达总领事馆后,申请人将会收到有关通知取卡的电子邮件。请注意,居留许可卡不能邮寄。 在这里您能找到更多关于领取居留许可卡的信息。
Samtök og annað Hér að neðan eru félög tengd Svíþjóð. Sænsk-íslenska verslunarráðið Formaður: Jóhann G. Jóhannsson Tengiliður: Sigrún Lilja Guðbjartsdóttir Kringlunni 7 103 Reykjavík Sími: (+354)
Mailing List for Upcoming Events To receive information and updates about upcoming events hosted by the Embassy in House of Sweden you can subscribe to our mailing list. If you wish to be included
Poetry theatre event in Shanghai As part of the poetry theatre program "Vive Le Printemps" at 1862 Theatre, Swedish poet Athena Farrokhzad is coming to Shanghai to give a poetry reading performance
Learn Swedish in Sarajevo Are you interested in learning Swedish or do you know some Swedish but would like to learn more? There are classes in Sarajevo! For further details please visit http://
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Asilo en Suecia Para solicitar asilo en Suecia hay que dirigirse a Suecia y entregar una aplicación directamente a la Dirección General de Migración de Suecia (Migrationsverket), o al cuerpo de