Enlaces Relacionados Estadía menor a 90 días Si quiere visitar Suecia o alguno de los países nórdicos miembros de la Unión Europea (únicamente Islandia y Finlandia) como turista o por un periodo
Residir na Suécia A Embaixada da Suécia em Lisboa não trabalha com questões relacionadas com a Migracão. Se deseja residir na Suécia por motivo de trabalho, estudos ou reunião familiar deve
Ragnar Bohlin指挥合唱音乐会 5月25日,瑞典著名指挥家Ragnar Bohlin受邀指挥在上海东方艺术中心举办的「巴赫和平礼赞」合唱音乐会。 Bohlin曾带领旧金山交响乐团获得格莱美最佳合唱表演奖。他也作为客座指挥,和马尔默交响乐团、圣保罗交响乐团和合唱团、瑞典广播合唱团、北欧室内乐团等多个乐团有过合作。另外,他还是专业室内合唱团Cappella SF的艺术总监。 5月25日
Të studiosh në Suedi Nëse planifikoni të studioni në Suedi, faqja e internetit Studyinsweden.se është qendra juaj e informacionit me një ndalesë për studimet e arsimit të lartë në Suedi. Qëllimi i
Plogging Day Brazil 2019 Com apoio da Embaixada da Suécia, CamelBak, Projeto Grael e Exchange4Change Brasil promovem no sábado, 23/11, primeira edição do CamelBak Ploggin Day. Atividade, que combina
Singapore Mental Health Film Festival On February 21–24 the first edition of the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF) took place at local cinema “the Projector”. The aim of the festival was
Sweden.se Sweden.se is the official gateway to Sweden. Sweden.se offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
First Aid Kit at Montreux Jazz Festival (10 July) Sisters Johanna and Klara Söderberg came to prominence a decade ago when self-shot footage of them singing a Fleet Foxes song went viral. Ten years
Are there any Swedish language studies in Shanghai? In China you can study Swedish at four different universities of which two are in Shanghai. Those are: Fudan University Nordic Centre 220, Handan
Sweden.se Sweden.se is the official gateway to Sweden. Sweden.se offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website