Aqui pode encontrar informações sobre a ajuda que a embaixada pode oferecer em Portugal. Encontre a aba com a área de seu interesse e clique nela.
Hälso- och sjukvård Hälso- och sjukvården är dålig med svenska mått mätt, i synnerhet gäller detta den offentliga sjukvården och särskilt utanför Bamako. Apotek är lätta att hitta i hela Bamako och
留学のための居住許可(大学・大学院・国民学校・高校・その他) 日本国籍者を含むEU加盟国以外の外国籍者が91日以上留学する場合は、居住許可が必要です。 申請方法 すべての留学生は、スウェーデン移民庁(Swedish Migration Agency)のウェブサイトからオンラインで申請をして下さい。オンライン申請は、申請者から移民庁への直接の申請となります(大使館を経由しません)。そのため、
3月14日国际妇女节招待会 3月14日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆在上海璞丽酒店庆祝国际妇女节。出席活动的有40位来自外交、商界、文化界的贵宾。今年国际妇女节的主题是“投资于女性:加速进步”,这为当晚就促进性别平等而进行的深入讨论奠定了基础。 此次活动邀请了两位杰出的嘉宾,他们的作品在瑞典与中国的文化界十分具有影响力。瑞典著名戏剧导演、教授和舞台美术师希尔达·赫尔维格 (Hilda Hellwig)
Qual é a cooperação de desenvolvimento entre Suécia e Moçambique? A Suécia tem uma longa história de cooperação para o desenvolvimento com Moçambique. Você pode ler mais sobre isso aqui.
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
Concert with Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet The Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra Piano Quartet will perform in Shanghai between November 13 to 15. The concert is one of four Swedish
How can I apply for a visa to visit Sweden A temporary ban on non-essential travel from countries outside the EU/EEA to Sweden, introduced following a call from the European Council and the European
ICT Sweden is the biggest market place in the Nordics and the natural location for the majority of international ICT companies targeted at the Nordic and Baltic markets. The consumer market in
Reseavrådan Se aktuell reseinformation och reseavrådan gällande Irak här: Ambassadens reseinformation - Sweden Abroad. Om du väljer att resa trots att UD avråder gäller normalt inte din vanliga