Reception +389 2 311 20 65 Reception phone hours Mon-Fri 09.00-12.00 +389 2 329 78 80 Migration and Visa Department (phone hours Mon-Thu 11.00-12.00 +389 2 3297 898 Reception ambassaden.skopje
《屏幕上的艺术》现在Fotografiska 上海展出 1月18日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆与Fotografiska上海和瑞典对外交流委员会合作举办了《屏幕上的艺术》展览。 该展览由卡尔玛艺术博物馆的Bettina Pehrsson女士策划,包含数个视频作品,涉及“自然文明化”、 “在一起” 和 “过渡”三个主题,引发人们的思考。约有80名嘉宾参与了此次活动。 副总领事David Jallow
Amendment to the Act Temporarily Restricting the Possibility to Obtain Residence Permits in Sweden On 18 June 2019, the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) decided to amend and extend the Act Temporarily
Amendment to the Act Temporarily Restricting the Possibility to Obtain Residence Permits in Sweden On 18 June 2019, the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) decided to amend and extend the Act Temporarily
About us About us Welcome to the Embassy of Sweden in Tel Aviv, Israel. The Embassy’s role is to represent Sweden as well as to follow and promote Swedish interests in Israel. Some of our main
Notification of Swedish citizenship For a child born abroad before 1 April 2015, to a Swedish father and a foreign mother, who are not married to each other, a Notification has to be submitted in
宜家中国测试及培训中心在上海举办扩建开幕典礼 3月15日,宜家中国测试及培训中心二期(ITTC2)在上海落成。瑞典驻上海副总领事施子天先生(Sebastian Magnusson)参加了开幕典礼。 作为宜家在瑞典以外设立的第一家自有实验室,宜家中国测试及培训中心不仅专注于宜家产品测试,同时也提供技术培训及技术支持。自2010年1月正式运营以来,该中心的测试能力已涵盖家具、玩具、窗帘、纺织品、
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OM OSS Om oss Välkommen till Sveriges ambassad i Tunisien. På Sveriges ambassad i Tunisien arbetar 10 personer, varav tre är utsända från UD. Sedan augusti 2023 är ambassadör Cecilia Wramsten chef