Schengen visa to Sweden or Iceland The Swedish Embassy in Rabat is also responsible for Schengen visa applications for Iceland in Morocco. To visit Sweden or Iceland you must have an entry visa. A
เวทีการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืนสวีเดน-ไทย 2024 30 กันยายน 2024 รายละเอียดกิจกรรม สถานเอกอัครราชทูตสวีเดนร่วมกับ Business Sweden และหอการค้าไทย-สวีเดน จัดงาน “เวทีการพัฒนาที่ยั่งยืน 2024” ภายในงาน
Brighton 25-26 May The Swedish Embassy will spend two days in Brighton. On Saturday 25 May at 5pm, free Charity Concert - Brighton Gay Men's Chorus sings ABBA. On Sunday 26 May, 11am-6pm, Pop-Up
About Business Sweden Business Sweden's purpose is to help Swedish companies to reach their full international potential. Business Sweden also strives to attract foreign direct investments to Sweden
Curfew with opportunity to buy food and medicines on foot and online The state of emergency and curfew continue to apply throughout Jordan. Since 25 March, small shops have been allowed to stay open
プレ・ストックホルム+50 ユース会議 6月2-3日に行われるストックホルム+50会議の関連イベントとして、スウェーデン大使館は以下のようにプレ・ストックホルム+50ユース会議を行います。 プレ・ユース会議の概要: 日時:4月25日13:30-18:30 会場:スウェーデン大使館 オーディトリアム(約100名収容可)および展示ホール(東京都港区六本木1丁目10‐3‐100) 主催:
欧洲联盟外交与安全事务高级代表在2019年12月10日国际人权日之际代表欧盟发表的宣言 今年,我们庆祝《欧洲联盟基本权利宪章》十周年和联合国《儿童权利公约》三十周年。然而,这些权利在世界范围内继续受到挑战。特别是儿童和青年仍然是侵犯人权的主要受害者。他们被迫寻求避难、成为士兵、从事童工或违背他们的意愿被迫与他们的家人分离。 在世界许多地方,很多公民都在为维护人权而行动起来。人权捍卫者走上街头
Heimur Astridar Lindgren Hver vill ekki líta í heimsókn til Línu Langsokkur, Emil í Kattholti, börnin í Ólátagarði og Madditt? Og það allt í sömu ferð! Samhliða því getum við kannski farið í smá túr
Laxveiði - frábært og ódýrt Eitt besta og ódýrasta laxveiði í Evrópu er að finna í Svíþjóð. Einnig er m.a. hægt að veiða bleikju, silung, gedduborra og karfa ásamt fleiri tegundum. Laxveiði er
Passaporte provisório Caso tenha perdido seu passaporte comum e pretenda viajar em breve é possível solicitar um passaporte provisório. Um passaporte provisório normalmente é emitido para uma