ノルディックトークスジャパン:女性科学者たちの挑戦 -ガラスの天井を破るには- 第63回国連女性の地位委員会で、アイスランドのカトリーン・ヤコブスドッティル首相は、「ジェンダー不平等を終わらせることは、正しいことであるだけでなく、経済にとっても最も賢明なことであることを強調することが重要です」と強調しました。 これは、科学、技術、工学、数学(STEM)分野で特に言えることです。世界経済
临时入境禁令延长至2022年03月31日 为了减轻 COVID-19 疫情传播的影响,暂时禁止通过瑞典进入欧盟。 COVID-19 病毒是一个引起国际关注的问题,需要跨境合作和多方协调措施。 入境禁令符合欧盟理事会对欧盟成员国的建议。 请访问司法部网站了解关于入境禁令的常见问题。 瑞典旅行禁令见瑞典警署网站: Swedish Police website 更多信息查询
Të studiosh në Suedi Nëse planifikoni të studioni në Suedi, faqja e internetit Studyinsweden.se është qendra juaj e informacionit me një ndalesë për studimet e arsimit të lartë në Suedi. Qëllimi i
上海露西亚庆典 12月7日,女孩和男孩们身着白袍,手捧蜡烛,吟唱瑞典民谣,瑞典驻沪总领事馆已经连续第5年与公众一同庆祝这个最富瑞典特色的传统节庆之一——露西亚节。 露西亚庆典的仪式包括由瑞典合唱团以及洋泾实验小学的孩子们组成的游行队伍,以及向现场超过400位观众提供“露西亚下午茶”——一种传统的瑞典圣诞茶歇,其中包括姜饼、藏红花口味的小面包,以及热红酒。 China Standard
Plogging Day Brazil 2019 Com apoio da Embaixada da Suécia, CamelBak, Projeto Grael e Exchange4Change Brasil promovem no sábado, 23/11, primeira edição do CamelBak Ploggin Day. Atividade, que combina
Singapore Mental Health Film Festival On February 21–24 the first edition of the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF) took place at local cinema “the Projector”. The aim of the festival was
Sweden.se Sweden.se is the official gateway to Sweden. Sweden.se offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
First Aid Kit at Montreux Jazz Festival (10 July) Sisters Johanna and Klara Söderberg came to prominence a decade ago when self-shot footage of them singing a Fleet Foxes song went viral. Ten years
Are there any Swedish language studies in Shanghai? In China you can study Swedish at four different universities of which two are in Shanghai. Those are: Fudan University Nordic Centre 220, Handan
Sweden.se Sweden.se is the official gateway to Sweden. Sweden.se offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website