Poetry theatre event in Shanghai As part of the poetry theatre program "Vive Le Printemps" at 1862 Theatre, Swedish poet Athena Farrokhzad is coming to Shanghai to give a poetry reading performance
Learn Swedish in Sarajevo Are you interested in learning Swedish or do you know some Swedish but would like to learn more? There are classes in Sarajevo! For further details please visit http://
Business with Sweden The Swedish business climate is known for flat organizational structures and managers who are not afraid to roll up their sleeves. Business in Sweden is constantly evolving,
Mailing List for Upcoming Events To receive information and updates about upcoming public events hosted by the Embassy of Sweden, you can subscribe to our mailing list. If you wish to be included
Asilo en Suecia Para solicitar asilo en Suecia hay que dirigirse a Suecia y entregar una aplicación directamente a la Dirección General de Migración de Suecia (Migrationsverket), o al cuerpo de
Sweden and PH hold joint workshop on dev’t cooperation to strengthen bilateral ties Key officials from the Swedish and Philippine governments jointly held a workshop on December 13, 2023 to explore
我如何移居瑞典与某人同住? 您必须持有居留许可才可搬到瑞典与家人或者亲戚团聚。 居留许可申请只能在移民局的网站上在线提交或者来使馆提交。 单击此处以了解有关如何为自己以及自己的孩子申请居留许可的更多信息。
Residir na Suécia A Embaixada da Suécia em Lisboa não trabalha com questões relacionadas com a Migracão. Se deseja residir na Suécia por motivo de trabalho, estudos ou reunião familiar deve
Akut hjälp Sverige har ingen ambassad i Papua Nya Guinea. Ambassaden i Jakarta kan nås under kontorstid via växeln på +62 21 2553 5900. Utanför kontorstid kan svenska medborgare i nödsituation nå
Rösta i valen 2018 och 2019 Bor du utomlands och vill rösta i valen 2018 och 2019? Anmäl dig till röstlängden! Om du är svensk medborgare, har fyllt eller fyller 18 år senast på valdagen, är bosatt