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关于对记者、律师和维权人士被判刑的发言人声明 在中国,对言论自由、获取信息越来越多的限制,对记者恐吓和监视,以及对人权维护者、律师和知识分子的拘留、审判和判刑已经越来越并将持续成为主要关切。 2020年12月28日,上海市浦东新区人民法院以“寻衅滋事罪”判处张展女士有期徒刑四年。在被拘留之前,张展女士一直在报道武汉新冠肺炎疫情。 据可靠的消息来源,在被拘留期间,张女士受到了酷刑和虐待,
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Adelaide Sebastian Raneskold has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Adelaide We welcome Sebastian Raneskold! Address, email and telephone number to the
Eastern Europe Matters 2019 is special for our Union's relations with our eastern neighbours: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This year we are celebrating ten year.This
Switchboard Passport and visa questions General email ambassaden.bagdad@gov.se Passports and citizen declarations Embassy of Sweden, Iraq (Stockholm-based) Ska du resa hit eller är du redan
Head of Mission, Ambassador Martin Hagström Ambassador Martin Hagström is Head of Mission at the Embassy in Nicosia since 1 September 2022. Previously, Mr. Hagström has served i.a. as Inspector
Försäkringsskydd Se till att du har en försäkring som gäller under hela din resa. Om olyckan är framme och du saknar försäkring kan din resa bli väldigt dyr. Om din hemförsäkring inte täcker hela
《2020年商业环境调查》于上海发布 9月10日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆,中国瑞典商会和瑞典贸易投资委员会共同发布《 2020年商业环境调查》结果,并向上海瑞典商务代表做系列演讲。瑞典新任驻上海总领事司梅女士(Marie-Claire Swärd Capra)致欢迎辞。 此项调查是于2020年5月和2020年6月进行的,其依据是近百家在中国开展业务的瑞典公司的意见。 在该研究中,
Translator If you are in need of a sworn translator from Swedish to English respective English to Swedish you can contact Annette Hagberg: e-mail hagbergannette7@gmail.com mobile
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Auckland New Zealand Catharina Andersson has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Auckland We welcome Catharina! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate