学生たちの熱い闘い!地熱発電ビジネスへのチャレンジ ベースロードパワージャパン、早稲田大学商学部のグローバル・マネジメント・プログラムと連携、学生らと一緒にエネルギーと持続可能な未来を描く 去る6月4日、スウェーデン大使館公使参事官ヨハンナ・リンドクヴィストはベースロードパワージャパン株式会社と、早稲田大学商学部のグローバル・マネジメント・プログラムによる共催イベントに参加しました。 この
JASSO 第5回留学経験者セミナー スウェーデン大使館はJASSO主催、第5回留学経験者オンラインセミナーに参加します。 日時 2024年1月28日(日曜日)13時00分~15時00分 テーマ 北欧への留学 対象 海外留学希望者(保護者・教員の方も大歓迎です!) ※海外留学について考え始めたばかりという方も参加可能です。 使用ツール Zoom 内容 当日のスケジュール 13時00分~13
Residir na Suécia A Embaixada da Suécia em Lisboa não trabalha com questões relacionadas com a Migracão. Se deseja residir na Suécia por motivo de trabalho, estudos ou reunião familiar deve
Të studiosh në Suedi Nëse planifikoni të studioni në Suedi, faqja e internetit Studyinsweden.se është qendra juaj e informacionit me një ndalesë për studimet e arsimit të lartë në Suedi. Qëllimi i
在全球危机中纪念中欧建交45周年 欧洲联盟驻华大使及27位欧盟成员国驻华大使在全球危机中纪念中欧建交45周年。 全文请点击此处阅读。 China Standard Time
Plogging Day Brazil 2019 Com apoio da Embaixada da Suécia, CamelBak, Projeto Grael e Exchange4Change Brasil promovem no sábado, 23/11, primeira edição do CamelBak Ploggin Day. Atividade, que combina
Singapore Mental Health Film Festival On February 21–24 the first edition of the Singapore Mental Health Film Festival (SMHFF) took place at local cinema “the Projector”. The aim of the festival was
Sweden.se Sweden.se is the official gateway to Sweden. Sweden.se offers a representative collection of the extensive range of information that is available about Sweden on the Internet. The website
First Aid Kit at Montreux Jazz Festival (10 July) Sisters Johanna and Klara Söderberg came to prominence a decade ago when self-shot footage of them singing a Fleet Foxes song went viral. Ten years
Are there any Swedish language studies in Shanghai? In China you can study Swedish at four different universities of which two are in Shanghai. Those are: Fudan University Nordic Centre 220, Handan