北欧“减少食物浪费”合作 11月21-23日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆联合丹麦、芬兰和挪威总领馆在上海举办了“减少食物浪费”系列活动。这些活动是北欧部长理事会推出的“北欧食物政策实验室”项目的一部分。 “减少食物浪费”系列活动为期三天。活动由“不能浪费的美味”主题晚宴开始,晚宴上的美味菜肴是用临近保质期的食品和丑食做成的。
Business and Trade Business Sweden Business Sweden was founded in 2013, by a merger of the Swedish Trade Council (Exportrådet) and Invest Sweden. Business Sweden is owned by the Swedish Government
José González with The String Theory in Zurich (25/9) and Lausanne (26/9) For these evenings the Swedish singer-songwriter and guitarist José González combines with the experimental collective The
Concert „Winter an der Ostsee“ in Bolligen (20 Jan) Svea Guémy (flute), Susanna Fini (violin) and Iris Guémy (cello) – all members of the “Baltic Quartet” and originally from Sweden and Estonia -
Please be informed that Sweden is represented by the Latvian Embassy and Consulate General of Lithuania in Kazakhstan for visa matters. In Almaty: LITHUANIAN REPUBLIC tel.: 263-25-05; 263-10-40;
Travel with your pet to Sweden There are common requirements for travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets within the EU. The animal must be ID-marked. The animal must have a valid vaccination against
Business Anti-Corruption Portal The Business Anti-Corruption Portal provides information for small and medium sized companies operating in emerging markets and developing countries. The Portal
Göta Brass Band – conducted by Michael Thomsen - in Montreux (25 – 28 April) The European Brass Bands Competition will take place in Montreux from 25 to 28 April 2019. Brass bands from all over
Schengen visas for applicants going to Sweden Following the closure of the European Union (EU) borders and the Schengen area as of 17th March 2020, the Embassy of France in Kampala is suspending all
Am nevoie de o visa pentru Suedia? Din 28 aprilie 2014, cetățenii Reublicii Moldova deținători de pașapoarte biometrice vor putea călători fără vize în spațiul Schengen pentru o perioadă de până la