経団連とスウェーデン経済界の重鎮「持続可能性、エネルギー、デジタル化、食品、フィンテック分野で協力を」 2021年3月16日、経団連とスウェーデンのビジネスリーダーはオンライン会議を開催し、今後の共通の機会と課題について話し合いを行いました。 スウェーデン側からはフレドリック・パーション氏(スウェーデン企業連盟会長)、イルヴァ・ベリ氏(ビジネススウェーデンCEO)、ヤコブ・ヴァレンベリ氏(
+55 61 99890 4716 ambassaden.brasilia@gov.se Instagram Twitter Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? About Sweden Facebook swedeninbrazil BR Brasil Brasília E. South America Standard Time
猫步-电影放映与映后谈 #dawa2022 12月17日瑞典驻上海总领事馆携手YOUNG剧场为大家呈现一部暖心电影《猫步:从胡迪科剧院到纽约秀台》。 放映结束后,瑞典胡迪科剧院创始人兼电影制片人帕尔·约翰逊和主演艾玛·奥特伦德将与观众分享交流影片。 China Standard Time
Srednjoškolci, prijavite se! Prva Generacija Hrvatska 2018 Kampanja #PrvaGeneracija je natjecanje za učenike srednjih škola u Hrvatskoj u izradi informativne kampanje na temu Globalnih ciljeva
Study in Sweden Virtual Fairs If you are interested in higher education in Sweden, don’t miss the Study in Sweden Virtual Fairs Autumn 2020 taking place from 17 October to 7 November. Fair
Swedish metal band Therion on China tour The pioneer of the symphonic metal genre, Therion from Sweden, is coming to China for a second time. They will perform in Guangzhou, Xi'an, Beijing, Shanghai
Roy Andersson’s new film “About Endlessness” out in Switzerland on March 5th Roy Andersson’s new oeuvre i a reflection on human life in all its beauty and cruelty, its splendor and banality.
Business Sweden in the region Business Sweden in Vienna is the responsible regional office that covers Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Slovenia & Croatia and handle inquiries for the Western Balkan
Associations & Others On this page you will find addresses to Swedish associations or to associations with ties to Sweden in South Korea. SWEA Click to read about Swea (only in Swedish)
Arch Enemy China tour The Swedish melodic death metal brand Arch Enemy is coming back to China. They are on a tour to Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Kunming and Chengdu on April 5-12. Formed in