瑞典参加 2020 年迪拜世博会 12 月 15 日在2020迪拜世博会举行的瑞典国家日的筹备工作正在进行中。瑞典在本次世博会上最重要的行动将在“联合创新——与瑞典一道,开拓可能”的旗帜下实现。 瑞典国王和王后将与外贸和北欧事务部长安娜·哈尔伯格以及来自瑞典商界、公共当局、学术界和民间社会的共200 人的代表团一起参加当天的活动。 如果您有兴趣了解瑞典参加 2020
洋泾实验小学学生受邀参加瑞典领馆文化交流活动 1月15日,来自上海洋泾实验小学的12名学生受邀来到瑞典驻沪总领事馆,瑞典驻沪总领事林莉女士(Ms. Lisette Lindahl)欢迎同学们的到来。 此次前来的学生均正在学校进行瑞典语学习。林莉女士首先感谢同学们在瑞典驻沪总领馆举办的露西亚庆典中的精彩表演,领馆工作人员还向同学们展示了瑞典仲夏节等重要的文化活动,并且邀请大家一同体验瑞典的
中国造环保船只交付瑞典船东 4月4日,瑞典航运公司Furetank接收了由中航鼎衡造船公司在扬州为其建造的16300吨双燃料化学品船首制船FURE VINGA号。签字仪式在中航鼎衡的上海办公室举行。该船由Furetank与瑞典船只设计建造咨询公司FKAB设计,在降低油耗及二氧化碳、二氧化硫和二氧化氮排放方面有显著特色。 FURE VINGA号是三家瑞典航运公司Furetank Rederi
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Adelaide Sebastian Raneskold has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Adelaide We welcome Sebastian Raneskold! Address, email and telephone number to the
Eastern Europe Matters 2019 is special for our Union's relations with our eastern neighbours: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. This year we are celebrating ten year.This
Switchboard Passport and visa questions General email ambassaden.bagdad@gov.se Passports and citizen declarations Embassy of Sweden, Iraq (Stockholm-based) Ska du resa hit eller är du redan
Head of Mission, Ambassador Martin Hagström Ambassador Martin Hagström is Head of Mission at the Embassy in Nicosia since 1 September 2022. Previously, Mr. Hagström has served i.a. as Inspector
Translator If you are in need of a sworn translator from Swedish to English respective English to Swedish you can contact Annette Hagberg: e-mail hagbergannette7@gmail.com mobile
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Auckland New Zealand Catharina Andersson has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Auckland We welcome Catharina! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate
Hey Elbow in Luzern (15 May) Hey Elbow are Julia Ringdahl (vocals/guitar), Ellen Petersson (horns/electronics), and Liam Amner (drums). With a background in jazz and an ear for distortion they