Resa i landet Försäkringsskydd Tänk på att innan resan påbörjas teckna en giltig reseförsäkring eller se över om hemförsäkring omfattar reseskydd som täcker hela utlandsvistelsen. Övriga
Övriga upplysningar Kortare eller längre strömavbrott är vanliga, särskilt på landsbygden. Elektricitetstandard är 220 V 50Hz med uttag av typen CEE-7/7, eller den kompatibla men ojordade CEE-7/16-
瑞典舒瑞普与中房城市能源科技战略合作签约仪式 随着全球经济的快速增长,能源和环境问题备受国际社会广泛关注。供热已成为和谐宜居城市中重要的基础设施之一,它既是城市能源供应的重要保障,又与治理大气环境密不可分。瑞典区域能源研讨会分别于2019年9月18日在烟台, 9月19日在北京成功举办,在此期间瑞典企业展示了其在区域供热领域的先进技术。 作为具体合作成就之一,9月20日,
Business and Trade Business Sweden Business Sweden was founded in 2013, by a merger of the Swedish Trade Council (Exportrådet) and Invest Sweden. Business Sweden is owned by the Swedish Government
José González with The String Theory in Zurich (25/9) and Lausanne (26/9) For these evenings the Swedish singer-songwriter and guitarist José González combines with the experimental collective The
Concert „Winter an der Ostsee“ in Bolligen (20 Jan) Svea Guémy (flute), Susanna Fini (violin) and Iris Guémy (cello) – all members of the “Baltic Quartet” and originally from Sweden and Estonia -
Please be informed that Sweden is represented by the Latvian Embassy and Consulate General of Lithuania in Kazakhstan for visa matters. In Almaty: LITHUANIAN REPUBLIC tel.: 263-25-05; 263-10-40;
Travel with your pet to Sweden There are common requirements for travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets within the EU. The animal must be ID-marked. The animal must have a valid vaccination against
Business Anti-Corruption Portal The Business Anti-Corruption Portal provides information for small and medium sized companies operating in emerging markets and developing countries. The Portal
Göta Brass Band – conducted by Michael Thomsen - in Montreux (25 – 28 April) The European Brass Bands Competition will take place in Montreux from 25 to 28 April 2019. Brass bands from all over