+20 2 2728 9260 +20 2 2728 9200 Telefonnummer för viseringar +20 2 2728 9270 ambassaden.kairo@gov.se E-post för viseringar ambassaden.kairo-visum@gov.se Sveriges ambassad i Kairo, Egypten
Applying for a Visa to Sweden If you want to visit Sweden and you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, you may need to apply for a visa. List of countries whose citizens require visas to visit
Honorary Consulate Pwint Mar Han is Consul at the Swedish Honorary Consulate in Yangon, Myanmar. The Honorary Consulate General provides basic consular service to Swedish citizens. However, the
The web portal Workinginsweden.se provides a step-by-step guide to the Swedish migration process. It is aimed mainly at non-EU/EEA citizens interested in working in Sweden for at least one year. The
SWISS NORDIC BIO 2020 WELCOME TO SWISS NORDIC BIO 2020 Swiss Nordic Bio is a high-level partnering and investor conference aimed at connecting healthcare innovations, investor and industry. The
“Sweden and the world - challenges and opportunities in a changing global security landscape” Pereric Högberg, Ambassador of Sweden, will talk about the current hot topics. Date and time: Monday,
申请居留许可 申请居留许可最快捷、最方便的方式是使用瑞典移民局网站的在线申请服务。 Private individuals - Migrationsverket
Nordiska föreningar i Italien I Italien finns ett antal nordiska föreningar som finns listade nedan. Bo i Bo Italiensk-svensk kulturförening i Bologna Webb: www.boibo.it SERN Ett nätverk för
Övriga upplysningar Försäkringsskydd Svenska resenärer som besöker Georgien bör försäkra sig om att de har fullgott försäkringsskydd som inkluderar medicinsk evakuering. Hantering av pengar Den
决不接受“强权即公理”,不正义的战争注定要失败 作者是欧盟外交与安全事务高级代表兼欧洲委员会副主席何塞普·博雷利(Josep Borrell)。 在这个黑暗的时刻,当我们看到俄罗斯无端和非正义地入侵乌克兰,并进行大规模的虚假宣传和信息操纵时,必须将为所谓正当理由编造的谎言与事实分开。事实是,俄罗斯作为一个核大国,攻击并入侵了一个和平和民主的邻国,而这个国家没有对它构成威胁,也没有挑衅行为。