Travel with your pet to Sweden There are common requirements for travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets within the EU. The animal must be ID-marked. The animal must have a valid vaccination against
Business Anti-Corruption Portal The Business Anti-Corruption Portal provides information for small and medium sized companies operating in emerging markets and developing countries. The Portal
Göta Brass Band – conducted by Michael Thomsen - in Montreux (25 – 28 April) The European Brass Bands Competition will take place in Montreux from 25 to 28 April 2019. Brass bands from all over
Schengen visas for applicants going to Sweden Following the closure of the European Union (EU) borders and the Schengen area as of 17th March 2020, the Embassy of France in Kampala is suspending all
国际妇女节早餐会活动 国际妇女节来临之际,中国瑞典商会将举办一场早餐会,邀请您与来自瑞典和中国的三位风趣睿智的女性共度节日。 三位演讲者分别是瑞典驻上海总领事林莉女士(Lisette Lindahl)、阿特拉斯•科普柯(中国)投资有限公司Audrey Deng女士以及玛丽亚古琦中国区总裁薛锐霞女士。她们将和大家分享自己的职业生涯以及在生活与工作间保持平衡的经验。 时间:3月7日 7:45-
Schulen In Deutschland gibt es zwei schwedische Schulen für Schüler mit Kenntnissen in der schwedischen Sprache. Zusätzlich ermöglichen schwedische Schulvereine Schwedischunterricht für schwedische
Am nevoie de o visa pentru Suedia? Din 28 aprilie 2014, cetățenii Reublicii Moldova deținători de pașapoarte biometrice vor putea călători fără vize în spațiul Schengen pentru o perioadă de până la
日本における新しい資本主義と北欧の視点 第1回セミナー: 男女平等と労働参画、そしてワークライフバランス 北欧ビジョン2030は、「グリーンな北欧」「競争力のある北欧」「社会的に持続可能な北欧」という3つの戦略的優先事項に基づいて、2030年までに北欧地域を世界で最も持続可能で統合された地域とすることを目標としています。 岸田総理の提唱する「新しい資本主義」は、多様性の推進などにより、
Vaga para Oficial Administrativo com foco em administração financeira A Embaixada procura reforçar a secção administrativa com uma pessoa que possa lidar com diversos assuntos administrativos, mas
Akut hjälp Om oturen är framme och du råkar ut för en olycka, blir svårt sjuk eller tappar passet är det viktigt att ha en försäkring, men det kan också vara bra att veta vad svenska ambassader och