Namnändring Från och med den 1 juli 2017 har vi en ny lag om personnamn i Sverige. Den nya lagen har moderniserat och förenklat möjligheterna att välja och byta namn. Det finns heller inga hinder
四家瑞典企业因推行可持续发展而获得表彰 9月6日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆副总领事大卫先生出席了在上海新天地朗廷酒店举办的2023可持续商业奖(2023 Sustainable Business Awards, SBA)的颁奖仪式。 该活动由中国欧盟商会主办。 可持续商业奖旨在表彰那些将可持续经济增长、绿色发展、创新、风险管理和社会福利作为其核心价值的企业。四家瑞典企业阿法拉伐、LKAB、
In- och utresebestämmelser Svenska medborgare som reser i egenskap av turister eller affärsmän behöver inte visum för inresa till Angola. I de fall visering krävs hänvisas till
+20 2 2728 9260 +20 2 2728 9200 Telefonnummer för viseringar +20 2 2728 9270 E-post för viseringar Sveriges ambassad i Kairo, Egypten
Vize pentru Suedia Din 28 aprilie 2014, cetățenii Republicii Moldova deținători de pașapoarte biometrice vor putea călători fără vize în spațiul Schengen pentru o perioadă de până la 90 de zile, pe
Applying for a Visa to Sweden If you want to visit Sweden and you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, you may need to apply for a visa. List of countries whose citizens require visas to visit
Honorary Consulate Pwint Mar Han is Consul at the Swedish Honorary Consulate in Yangon, Myanmar. The Honorary Consulate General provides basic consular service to Swedish citizens. However, the
The web portal provides a step-by-step guide to the Swedish migration process. It is aimed mainly at non-EU/EEA citizens interested in working in Sweden for at least one year. The
SWISS NORDIC BIO 2020 WELCOME TO SWISS NORDIC BIO 2020 Swiss Nordic Bio is a high-level partnering and investor conference aimed at connecting healthcare innovations, investor and industry. The
“Sweden and the world - challenges and opportunities in a changing global security landscape” Pereric Högberg, Ambassador of Sweden, will talk about the current hot topics. Date and time: Monday,