+41 31 328 70 01 +41 31 328 70 00 Allmänna ärenden ambassaden.bern@gov.se Ärenden rörande pass/id-kort, samordningsnummer, medborgarskap och äktenskap ambassaden.bern-pass@gov.se Sveriges
Naturförhållanden och naturkatastrofer Tyfonperioden pågår i allmänhet från maj till november. Tyfoner är tropiska stormar som motsvarar orkaner i styrka. De kan orsaka översvämningar och jordskred
Juridisk hjälp i utlandet Här hittar du information om juridisk hjälp i USA. Swedish American Bar Association Swedish-speaking attorneys in the United States c/o Mikael Koltai, Esq. 5020 Campus
贸易障碍 使馆的主要指责之一是当瑞典公司遇到各种形式的贸易阻碍时,向他们提供协助和咨询。 什么是贸易障碍? 贸易障碍的定义涵盖所有形式官方阻碍或妨碍贸易商品或服务的措施,或以其他方式随意施加现有规则。例如,这可能是: 措施是违反现有的贸易协定 不明确的立法或繁琐的官僚作风 在法律案件或其他形式的法律进程中的政治干预。 在欧盟以外发生的贸易障碍由世贸组织相关规定以非歧视措施进行裁定,
Swedish-American Museums, Institutions and Organizations The Swedish heritage in America has been well preserved across the country. Here is a selection of museums, institutions and organizations.
EXHIBITION: Sustain Able Voices - Young Swedish Design In accordance with Washington D.C. COVID-19 restrictions, House of Sweden and our exhibitions are temporarily closed again for visitors. In the
+90 212 334 06 00 - İsveç vatandaşlarına konsolosluk hizmeti İsveç hakkında bilmek istedikleriniz Facebook TR Türkiye İstanbul Turkey Standard Time Istiklal Caddesi 247, Batı girişi (İsveç
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart, TAS Cara Hawkins has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart We welcome Cara! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Hobart as
Business Anti-Corruption Portal Sweden contributes to the Business Anti-Corruption Portal whose purpose is to provide a comprehensive and practical business tool, and to offer targeted support to
Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024 The Embassy of Sweden will participate to the Tokyo Rainbow Pride again this year. We will be at the joint EU booth in the embassy booth area, and also joining the Pride