Övriga upplysningar Kortare eller längre strömavbrott är vanliga, särskilt på landsbygden. Elektricitetstandard är 220 V 50Hz med uttag av typen CEE-7/7, eller den kompatibla men ojordade CEE-7/16-
Nacionalidade dupla Ter nacionalidade dupla implica ser-se cidadão de mais do que um país. Quem obter a nacionalidade sueca pode manter a sua nacionalidade anterior, caso a legislação do país o
关于对记者、律师和维权人士被判刑的发言人声明 在中国,对言论自由、获取信息越来越多的限制,对记者恐吓和监视,以及对人权维护者、律师和知识分子的拘留、审判和判刑已经越来越并将持续成为主要关切。 2020年12月28日,上海市浦东新区人民法院以“寻衅滋事罪”判处张展女士有期徒刑四年。在被拘留之前,张展女士一直在报道武汉新冠肺炎疫情。 据可靠的消息来源,在被拘留期间,张女士受到了酷刑和虐待,
Travel with your pet to Sweden There are common requirements for travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets within the EU. The animal must be ID-marked. The animal must have a valid vaccination against
Business Anti-Corruption Portal The Business Anti-Corruption Portal provides information for small and medium sized companies operating in emerging markets and developing countries. The Portal
Göta Brass Band – conducted by Michael Thomsen - in Montreux (25 – 28 April) The European Brass Bands Competition will take place in Montreux from 25 to 28 April 2019. Brass bands from all over
Schengen visas for applicants going to Sweden Following the closure of the European Union (EU) borders and the Schengen area as of 17th March 2020, the Embassy of France in Kampala is suspending all
Business and Trade Business Sweden Business Sweden was founded in 2013, by a merger of the Swedish Trade Council (Exportrådet) and Invest Sweden. Business Sweden is owned by the Swedish Government
José González with The String Theory in Zurich (25/9) and Lausanne (26/9) For these evenings the Swedish singer-songwriter and guitarist José González combines with the experimental collective The
Concert „Winter an der Ostsee“ in Bolligen (20 Jan) Svea Guémy (flute), Susanna Fini (violin) and Iris Guémy (cello) – all members of the “Baltic Quartet” and originally from Sweden and Estonia -