瑞典驻华使领馆代表访问南京 1月14日,瑞典驻华大使林戴安女士、瑞典驻沪总领事林莉女士访问南京,并与江苏省委常委、南京市委书记张敬华会面。 林戴安女士说,“南京这座城市给我留下了深刻的印象,我参观了一些中瑞合作项目,他们将瑞典的创新精神和中国的创新文化很好地结合起来,这一定能使创新取得更大成效。我们将鼓励瑞典学术界、企业界抓住机遇,进一步深化与南京的对接,推动双方合作共赢,取得更多务实成果。
Swedish-American Museums, Institutions and Organizations The Swedish heritage in America has been well preserved across the country. Here is a selection of museums, institutions and organizations.
EXHIBITION: Sustain Able Voices - Young Swedish Design In accordance with Washington D.C. COVID-19 restrictions, House of Sweden and our exhibitions are temporarily closed again for visitors. In the
11月30日闭馆时间变更通知 11月30日周五瑞典驻上海总领事馆将于中午12点提前闭馆。我们将于12月3日周一早上8点30恢复正常工作。 如遇紧急情况,请拨打领馆电话。 China Standard Time
春节期间闭馆通知 春节期间总领事馆将在以下日期关闭: 星期四 2月11日 星期五 2月12日 星期一 2月15日 请注意,2月13日周六、2月14日周日领馆正常闭馆。 China Standard Time
+90 212 334 06 00 - İsveç vatandaşlarına konsolosluk hizmeti İsveç hakkında bilmek istedikleriniz Facebook TR Türkiye İstanbul Turkey Standard Time Istiklal Caddesi 247, Batı girişi (İsveç
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart, TAS Cara Hawkins has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart We welcome Cara! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Hobart as
Business Anti-Corruption Portal Sweden contributes to the Business Anti-Corruption Portal whose purpose is to provide a comprehensive and practical business tool, and to offer targeted support to
Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024 The Embassy of Sweden will participate to the Tokyo Rainbow Pride again this year. We will be at the joint EU booth in the embassy booth area, and also joining the Pride
+256 417 700 801 +256 417 700 800 ambassaden.kampala@gov.se E-mail for questions regarding migration ambassaden.kampala-migration@gov.se Embassy of Sweden in Kampala, Uganda Ska du resa hit