Solicitar Visa Schengen Se emiten visas para visitas de máximo 90 días para personas con ciudadanía de terceros países y que residen en Chile. La visa es válida para todos los países en el espacio
Cómo solicitar una visa Schengen en Colombia Se emiten visas para visitas de máximo 90 días para personas con ciudadanía de terceros países y que residen en Colombia. La visa es válida para todos
国际妇女节早餐会活动 国际妇女节来临之际,中国瑞典商会将举办一场早餐会,邀请您与来自瑞典和中国的三位风趣睿智的女性共度节日。 三位演讲者分别是瑞典驻上海总领事林莉女士(Lisette Lindahl)、阿特拉斯•科普柯(中国)投资有限公司Audrey Deng女士以及玛丽亚古琦中国区总裁薛锐霞女士。她们将和大家分享自己的职业生涯以及在生活与工作间保持平衡的经验。 时间:3月7日 7:45-
瑞典在上海TEDxWomen年度大会的精彩呈现 12月6日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆参与了在上海紫竹国家高新技术产业开发区举办的TEDx紫竹大会。瑞典驻沪总领事林莉女士在大会上讲述了瑞典在性别平等方面的经验。 TEDxZizhuParkWomen2019年度大会是独立运营的TED活动,以“敢·耀”为题,聚集了11位来自不同职业领域的演讲者,呈现他们的想法和故事。作为首位演讲者,
Applying for a Visa to Sweden If you want to visit Sweden and you are a citizen of a country outside the EU, you may need to apply for a visa. List of countries whose citizens require visas to visit
Honorary Consulate Pwint Mar Han is Consul at the Swedish Honorary Consulate in Yangon, Myanmar. The Honorary Consulate General provides basic consular service to Swedish citizens. However, the
The web portal provides a step-by-step guide to the Swedish migration process. It is aimed mainly at non-EU/EEA citizens interested in working in Sweden for at least one year. The
SWISS NORDIC BIO 2020 WELCOME TO SWISS NORDIC BIO 2020 Swiss Nordic Bio is a high-level partnering and investor conference aimed at connecting healthcare innovations, investor and industry. The
“Sweden and the world - challenges and opportunities in a changing global security landscape” Pereric Högberg, Ambassador of Sweden, will talk about the current hot topics. Date and time: Monday,
Am nevoie de o visa pentru Suedia? Din 28 aprilie 2014, cetățenii Reublicii Moldova deținători de pașapoarte biometrice vor putea călători fără vize în spațiul Schengen pentru o perioadă de până la