Preparatory Committee for the 2020 NPT Review Conference Second session, Geneva, 23rd April – 4th May 2018 Statement by Sweden held by the Deputy Director General Department of Disarmament and Non
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NPT Prep Com 2018 – Cluster II Statement by Sweden. Mr. Chair, Sweden aligns itself with the statement made by the European Union under this cluster. Our general priorities are also reflected in
瑞典驻上海总领事馆推出访问居留许可在线申请系统 从2月15日起,在瑞典境外的申请人可在线申请访问居留许可。 数字化处理申请的方式,不再需要将纸质申请从驻外使领馆邮寄到瑞典移民局,大大缩短了等待时间。数字化申请通过瑞典移民局官网提交,你可以用信用卡或借记卡支付,并在数字化申请中预约到访总领事馆的时间。更多关于如何申请的问题,请见总领事馆官网或瑞典移民局官网。 China Standard
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Viver com alguém na Suécia Viver com alguém na Suécia Para juntar-se a sua família ou parentes na Suécia, necessita ter uma autorização de residência. Leia mais em Swedish Migration Agency sobre
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北欧留学フェア in 青空の北欧市場TACHIKAWA LOPPIS autumn side 2023 スウェーデン大使館は11月10~12日に東京都立川市の複合施設GREEN SPRINGSにて開催されるウェルビーイングの発信を目的としたイベント「青空の北欧市場 TACHIKAWA LOPPIS autumn side 2023」内で開催される留学フェアに参加します。 日時:2023
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