+46 8 723 11 76 +46 8 405 10 00 sbs.vastafrika@gov.se Sveriges ambassad, Elfenbenskusten (Stockholmsbaserad) Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in Sweden
+7 495 937 92 02 +7 495 937 92 00 Migrationsavdelningen (visum) +7 495 937 92 01 Generella/övriga frågor ambassaden.moskva@gov.se Visum/migration visa.moscow@gov.se Sveriges ambassad i
Övriga upplysningar Sverige har ingen ambassad i Tripoli. Sveriges ambassad i Tunisien ansvarar för Libyen, men ett svenskt honorärkonsulat finns i Benghazi. Frånvaron av svensk diplomatisk närvaro
+66 2 263 72 60 Telefontid: mån-tor 08.00-12.30, 13.30-16.00. Telefontid fre 08.00-13.00 +66 2 263 72 00 Allmänt ambassaden.bangkok@gov.se Migration / Visumfrågor migration.bangkok@gov.se
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart, TAS Cara Hawkins has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart We welcome Cara! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Hobart as
Business Anti-Corruption Portal Sweden contributes to the Business Anti-Corruption Portal whose purpose is to provide a comprehensive and practical business tool, and to offer targeted support to
Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024 The Embassy of Sweden will participate to the Tokyo Rainbow Pride again this year. We will be at the joint EU booth in the embassy booth area, and also joining the Pride
+256 417 700 801 +256 417 700 800 ambassaden.kampala@gov.se E-mail for questions regarding migration ambassaden.kampala-migration@gov.se Embassy of Sweden in Kampala, Uganda Ska du resa hit
总领事馆组织关于性别平等话题的研讨会 4月8日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆主办了一场研讨会旨在探讨女权主义外交政策和性别平等话题。 世界经济论坛的数据显示,受到新冠疫情的影响,填平全球性别平等的鸿沟所需要的时间,又增加了整整一代人。这不仅仅是实现女性权益进程的严重倒退,更是更会损害全球经济发展。 参加本次研讨会的观众约有100人。瑞典外交部副主任Ulrika Grandin
瑞典与中国 关于瑞典 访问瑞典 致所有签证申请人的重要信息 瑞典驻华大使馆与瑞典驻沪总领馆推出探访居住许可电子化申请 护照查验新规 为更好地查验居留许可申请者的护照,瑞典移民局推出了新的规定。 请点击此链接 请点击此链接 请点击此链接