Naturförhållanden och naturkatastrofer Tyfonperioden pågår i allmänhet från maj till november. Tyfoner är tropiska stormar som motsvarar orkaner i styrka. De kan orsaka översvämningar och jordskred
Juridisk hjälp i utlandet Här hittar du information om juridisk hjälp i USA. Swedish American Bar Association Swedish-speaking attorneys in the United States c/o Mikael Koltai, Esq. 5020 Campus
+86 21 5359 9633 +86 21 5359 9610 +86 21 5359 9610 +86 21 5359 9639 一般查询 签证和移民问题 瑞典驻上海总领事馆 Ska du resa hit eller är du
+90 212 334 06 00 - İsveç vatandaşlarına konsolosluk hizmeti İsveç hakkında bilmek istedikleriniz Facebook TR Türkiye İstanbul Turkey Standard Time Istiklal Caddesi 247, Batı girişi (İsveç
Swedish-American Museums, Institutions and Organizations The Swedish heritage in America has been well preserved across the country. Here is a selection of museums, institutions and organizations.
EXHIBITION: Sustain Able Voices - Young Swedish Design In accordance with Washington D.C. COVID-19 restrictions, House of Sweden and our exhibitions are temporarily closed again for visitors. In the
瑞典参加第二届中国国际进口博览会 11月6日上午,瑞典驻上海总领事林莉女士(Ms. Lisette Lindahl)为2019中国国际进口博览会瑞典国家展揭幕,来自瑞典驻华使领馆、瑞典贸易投资委员会负责商贸推广和能源领域的代表出席活动。当天下午林莉女士还参加了2019中国-北欧经贸合作论坛,出席并见证了若干中瑞合作项目的顺利签约。 今年,瑞典国家展的主题为“
欧洲联盟驻华代表团关于驻华外国记者情况的声明 欧洲联盟对在中国的记者和媒体工作者,包括外国记者受到越来越多的骚扰和恐吓,表示关切。 驻华外国记者协会(FCCC)于2021年3月1日发布的年度报告反映了欧洲联盟的许多关切。该报告的主要结论之一是,在中国的外国记者越来越多地面临签证限制——从直接拒签到有限度地延长或取消现有签证——据称这是对这些外国记者分享的信息或其媒体表达的观点进行报复。 《
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart, TAS Cara Hawkins has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart We welcome Cara! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Hobart as
Business Anti-Corruption Portal Sweden contributes to the Business Anti-Corruption Portal whose purpose is to provide a comprehensive and practical business tool, and to offer targeted support to