+231 770 1738 01 +231 770 1738 02-05 ambassaden.monrovia@gov.se Sveriges ambassad i Monrovia, Liberia Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in Sweden Facebook
+46 8 723 11 76 +46 8 405 10 00 sbs.belgien.luxemburg@gov.se Sveriges ambassad, Luxemburg (Stockholmsbaserad) Twitter Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in
瑞典参加第三届中国国际进口博览会 第三届中国国际进口博览会(CIIE)于11月4日在上海开幕,瑞典贸易部长Anna Hallberg通过视频的形式参加了开幕式,瑞典驻华大使宋莲(Helena Sångeland)女士亲临开幕式现场。 瑞典企业今年在进博会中的参与度很高,有超过15家瑞典企业在此次进博会中设有展台,展品涵盖了AI和信息技术、医疗器械及医疗保健、汽车、食品及农产品。 11月6日,
How soon can I enter Sweden after I received a positive decision? You can enter Sweden as soon as you receive your work permit card. Please note that the Migration Agency may withdraw your work
Request for Tenders Cleaning services 2021 See documents below. Tender Document cleaning services 2021.pdf Appendix 1 - General Conditions.pdf Appendix 2 - Draft contract.pdf Appendix 3 - Terms of
Opening hours during the Chinese National Day (Golden Week) During the Chinese National Day, the Consulate General will be closed on the following days: October 3 Monday October 4
Changed opening hours June 3 The Consulate General of Sweden will close at 12.00 on Thursday June 3. The hotline for visas, residence and work permits is also closed . The Consulate General of
Opening hours during the Chinese National Day (Golden Week) The Consulate General will be closed on the 2 and 3 October and will open as usual on Wednesday 4 October. In the event of a consular
Fees The list of Application Fees can be found here. Please note: latest update 4 November 2024. We accept Visa/Mastercard as payment. Please bring your fysical card emitted in your name. If you do
中国:第38次欧洲联盟—中国人权对话在布鲁塞尔举行 第38轮欧盟—中国人权对话于4月1日至2日在布鲁塞尔举行。欧盟与中国(一致)欢迎重启此就人权问题的专门沟通渠道,符合2022年12月1日欧洲理事会主席米歇尔(Michel)访华期间所达成的共识。 本次对话包括就欧盟和中国的人权发展深入交换意见。欧盟对中国持续限制(其公民)行使基本自由、使用强迫劳动、