+381 11 20 69 250 General inquiries +381 11 20 69 200 Migration Affairs +381 11 20 69 270 General inquiries ambassaden.belgrad@gov.se Migration Affairs ambassaden.belgrad-visum@gov.se
+39 06 44 194 761 Swithchboard: Monday to Friday 09:00-11:00 +39 06 44 194 100 Switchboard Migration matters: Monday 10:00 - 11:00 +39 06 44 194 300 Embassy ambassaden.rom@gov.se Migration
Mando Diao: Neues Album ”Bang” und einziges Schweizer Konzert in Zürich (26. Nov.) Mando Diao sind zurück mit einem neue Album, das frische und packende Gitarrenriffs mit dem für Mando Diao so
欧洲联盟驻华代表团在国际人权日的声明 2019年12月10日国际社会纪念联合国通过《世界人权宣言》(以下简称《宣言》) 71周年。众多国家都通过了《宣言》。《宣言》中写道:“人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上一律平等。”其中所载的权利和自由,包括思想自由、宗教和信仰自由、言论自由和和平集会与结社自由的权利,是不可剥夺的普遍权利。 自通过以来,《宣言》
如何在瑞典驻华大使馆领取居留许可卡 在您的居留卡申请已经批准且采集过生物信息以后,瑞典移民局将制作居留许可卡并邮寄到瑞典驻华大使馆。居留许可卡通常会在批准且采集完生物信息后的2-4周寄达在北京的瑞典驻华大使馆。 当居留许可卡到达大使馆时,申请人将会收到有关通知取卡的电子邮件。 您可以本人或者委托他人在使馆开放的时间段领取居留许可卡。本人领取居留许可卡请携带护照。他人代领需出示委托书,
EU Heads of Mission show solidarity with Lithuania EU Heads of Mission in China met to show solidarity with their colleague from Lithuania Ambassador Diana Mickevičienė as she departs Beijing,
Eastern Europe Matters! The Swedish, Polish and Czech Foreign Ministers on the Eastern Partnership’s 10th anniversary. Read full article in English here 👉https://euobserver.com/opinion/143990 Read
Can I apply for a visa to Sweden at the Embassy? No, The Embassy of Sweden in Doha does not issue Schengen visas to Sweden. The Embassy of the Netherlands in Doha is processing Schengen visa
Margot Wallströms declaration Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Margot Wallström made a declaration on Twitter "Forcefully reject unacceptable and unfounded allegation by Russian MFA
VFS Global open for Swedish Schengen visa applications VFS Global will resume their operation for Sweden the 19th October. Schengen visa applications may be submitted Monday and Wednesdays 8-13, but