部分瑞典赴华直航航班取消 自2022年1月3日起暂停CA912航班(斯德哥尔摩至北京,每周五起飞)运行4班,同时取消每周日(斯德哥尔摩至北京,第一入境点西安)航班。 关于部分瑞典赴华直航航班取消和相关人员申领健康码的通知 China Standard Time
The Honorary Consulate in Bali will not receive any visa applications. Starting January 2019 the Honorary Consulate in Bali will not receive any visa applications. You can contact VFS Global for
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Suva, Fiji Mareca Seduadua has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Suva We welcome Mareca! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Suva is
I am getting married to a Swedish man/woman. Can you explain in Japanese how to get a marriage license? This information is available in swedish, please ask your swedish parter to translate the
Newsletter Below you'll find information about some of the Consulate's events in New York in the most recent edition of our newsletter. You will also find information about other Swedish events
+46 8 723 11 76 +46 8 405 10 00 sbs.belgien.luxemburg@gov.se Embassy of Sweden, Luxembourg (Stockholm-based) Twitter Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in
+33 3 88 24 48 30 +33 3 88 24 60 50 rpsuede@gov.se Permanent Representation of Sweden to the Council of Europe, Strasbourg Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested
Numero Fax +591 2 297 96 31 +591 2 297 96 30 E-mail Preguntas generales: ambassaden.la-paz@gov.se E-mail Asuntos de Migración y Consular: ambassaden.la.paz-migration@gov.se Twitter ¿Viajas,
瑞典驻华使领馆代表访问南京 1月14日,瑞典驻华大使林戴安女士、瑞典驻沪总领事林莉女士访问南京,并与江苏省委常委、南京市委书记张敬华会面。 林戴安女士说,“南京这座城市给我留下了深刻的印象,我参观了一些中瑞合作项目,他们将瑞典的创新精神和中国的创新文化很好地结合起来,这一定能使创新取得更大成效。我们将鼓励瑞典学术界、企业界抓住机遇,进一步深化与南京的对接,推动双方合作共赢,取得更多务实成果。
+381 11 20 69 250 Växeln +381 11 20 69 200 Migrationsfrågor +381 11 20 69 270 Generella frågor ambassaden.belgrad@gov.se Migrationsfrågor ambassaden.belgrad-visum@gov.se Konsulära frågor