Reception +389 2 311 20 65 Reception phone hours Mon-Fri 09.00-12.00 +389 2 329 78 80 Migration and Visa Department (phone hours Mon-Thu 11.00-12.00 +389 2 3297 898 Reception ambassaden.skopje
EU Heads of Mission show solidarity with Lithuania EU Heads of Mission in China met to show solidarity with their colleague from Lithuania Ambassador Diana Mickevičienė as she departs Beijing,
Eastern Europe Matters! The Swedish, Polish and Czech Foreign Ministers on the Eastern Partnership’s 10th anniversary. Read full article in English here 👉 Read
Can I apply for a visa to Sweden at the Embassy? No, The Embassy of Sweden in Doha does not issue Schengen visas to Sweden. The Embassy of the Netherlands in Doha is processing Schengen visa
Margot Wallströms declaration Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Margot Wallström made a declaration on Twitter "Forcefully reject unacceptable and unfounded allegation by Russian MFA
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart, TAS Cara Hawkins has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart We welcome Cara! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Hobart as
Business Anti-Corruption Portal Sweden contributes to the Business Anti-Corruption Portal whose purpose is to provide a comprehensive and practical business tool, and to offer targeted support to
Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024 The Embassy of Sweden will participate to the Tokyo Rainbow Pride again this year. We will be at the joint EU booth in the embassy booth area, and also joining the Pride
+256 417 700 801 +256 417 700 800 E-mail for questions regarding migration Embassy of Sweden in Kampala, Uganda Ska du resa hit
İsveç Antalya Fahri Konsolosluğu açılmıştır İsveç Antalya Fahri Konsolosluğu 1 Haziran 2023 tarihi itibariyle yeniden hizmete girmiştir. Yeni adres ve iletişim bilgileri ana sayfanın alt kısmında