Asilo en Suecia Para solicitar asilo en Suecia hay que dirigirse a Suecia y entregar una aplicación directamente a la Dirección General de Migración de Suecia (Migrationsverket), o al cuerpo de
留学瑞典行前准备会 4月22日, 瑞典驻上海总领事馆联合瑞典对外交流委员会在上海举办了一场面向被瑞典大学录取、即将于今年秋季入学的中国学生的行前准备会。活动为他们提供了了解瑞典和瑞典留学生活的更多信息的机会。 130多名申请了瑞典本科或硕士项目的中国学生参加了行前准备会。活动上,来自领馆的代表先为大家介绍了瑞典的概况和在瑞典生活的实用信息。之后,几位瑞典归国校友分享了他们在瑞典的留学经历。
瑞典生活方式快闪店登陆杭州 7月9日-18日,由瑞典驻上海总领事馆发起的瑞典生活方式快闪店亮相杭州,在阿里巴巴旗下商场亲橙里,呈现来自30余个瑞典品牌的商品。 在由宜家家居打造的家居空间内,展示了从家居到生活用品等涵盖多种类型的产品。大多数在店内展示的产品可通过天猫和淘宝平台下单购买。快闪店为中国消费者提供了“线下试用,扫码线上购买”的机会。 此次参与的公司及品牌包括AIRINUM(睿铂)、
Tourism Sweden-Israel is increasing Tourism between Sweden and Israel is increasing! Last year 22,000 Israelis traveled to Sweden and 34,000 Swedes traveled to Israel. Tourism between Sweden and
The web portal provides a step-by-step guide to the Swedish migration process. It is aimed mainly at non-EU/EEA citizens interested in working in Sweden for at least one year. The
The web portal provides a step-by-step guide to the Swedish migration process. It is aimed mainly at non-EU/EEA citizens interested in working in Sweden for at least one year. The
Wildbirds & Peacedrums in Luzern (13 June) The Swedish duo “Wildbirds & Peacedrum” comprising vocalist Mariam Wallentin and her husband, percussionist Andreas Werliin, is back with the first release
Christian Kjellvander in Basel, Winterthur + Aarau (6 – 8 April) On his latest album “Wild Hxmans” Swedish singer-songwriter Christian Kjellvander speaks to us of farewells and departures, of escape
Focus on waste management and employment in Sremska Mitrovica! Sweden, the EU and the Ministry of Environmental Protection cooperates with Sremska Mitrovica to improve waste management. The 24th of
Jan Lundgren & Strings in Zürich (13/4) Jan Lundgren, one of Sweden's most successful pianists, will be presenting for the first time in Zürich his "Ystad Concert", originally recorded live on the