+39 06 44 194 761 Swithchboard: Monday to Friday 09:00-11:00 +39 06 44 194 100 Switchboard Migration matters: Monday 10:00 - 11:00 +39 06 44 194 300 Embassy ambassaden.rom@gov.se Migration
外交与安全政策高级代表何塞普·博雷利(Josep Borrell)代表欧洲联盟在2022年5月17日国际不再恐同日之际发表的声明 值此国际不再恐同日(IDAHOT)之际,欧洲联盟重申其坚定致力于尊重、保护和促进同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和双性人士(即:LGBTI人士)充分和平等地享受人权。 在全球范围内,超过 20 亿人生活在认定同性恋为非法的国家。另外,在 11 个司法管辖范围内,
Women Who Lead-「プロジェクトQ」から考える女性のリーダーシップ 「なぜスポーツ分野のリーダーの70%が男性なのか?」 そんな疑問から始まったスウェーデン・オリンピック委員会のプロジェクトQは女性のコーチやリーダーを増やす取り組みです。 SDGsやジェンダー平等で進んでいると言われるスウェーデンでもスポーツ界での女性リーダーはまだ少数派。2020東京オリンピックでも女性活躍は
EU Heads of Mission show solidarity with Lithuania EU Heads of Mission in China met to show solidarity with their colleague from Lithuania Ambassador Diana Mickevičienė as she departs Beijing,
Eastern Europe Matters! The Swedish, Polish and Czech Foreign Ministers on the Eastern Partnership’s 10th anniversary. Read full article in English here 👉https://euobserver.com/opinion/143990 Read
Can I apply for a visa to Sweden at the Embassy? No, The Embassy of Sweden in Doha does not issue Schengen visas to Sweden. The Embassy of the Netherlands in Doha is processing Schengen visa
Margot Wallströms declaration Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Margot Wallström made a declaration on Twitter "Forcefully reject unacceptable and unfounded allegation by Russian MFA
VFS Global open for Swedish Schengen visa applications VFS Global will resume their operation for Sweden the 19th October. Schengen visa applications may be submitted Monday and Wednesdays 8-13, but
Resklar - UD:s reseinformation direkt i fickan Ska du ut och resa? I UD:s app Resklar finns råd och reseinformation om världens länder från Sveriges ambassader. Genom checklistan "Min resa" kan du
İsveç Antalya Fahri Konsolosluğu açılmıştır İsveç Antalya Fahri Konsolosluğu 1 Haziran 2023 tarihi itibariyle yeniden hizmete girmiştir. Yeni adres ve iletişim bilgileri ana sayfanın alt kısmında