Naturförhållanden och naturkatastrofer Tyfonperioden pågår i allmänhet från maj till november. Tyfoner är tropiska stormar som motsvarar orkaner i styrka. De kan orsaka översvämningar och jordskred
Juridisk hjälp i utlandet Här hittar du information om juridisk hjälp i USA. Swedish American Bar Association Swedish-speaking attorneys in the United States c/o Mikael Koltai, Esq. 5020 Campus
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart, TAS Cara Hawkins has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Hobart We welcome Cara! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Hobart as
Business Anti-Corruption Portal Sweden contributes to the Business Anti-Corruption Portal whose purpose is to provide a comprehensive and practical business tool, and to offer targeted support to
Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2024 The Embassy of Sweden will participate to the Tokyo Rainbow Pride again this year. We will be at the joint EU booth in the embassy booth area, and also joining the Pride
+256 417 700 801 +256 417 700 800 E-mail for questions regarding migration Embassy of Sweden in Kampala, Uganda Ska du resa hit
进入瑞典需出示新冠核酸检测阴性报告 瑞典政府决定外国公民(不论他们来自哪里)在入境瑞典时必须出示48小时内做的新冠核酸检测阴性报告。 该项规定将于2月6日0点生效,直到3月31日24点。关于该要求和最终豁免的更多信息请参考政府的新闻稿。 China Standard Time
Swedish-American Museums, Institutions and Organizations The Swedish heritage in America has been well preserved across the country. Here is a selection of museums, institutions and organizations.
EXHIBITION: Sustain Able Voices - Young Swedish Design In accordance with Washington D.C. COVID-19 restrictions, House of Sweden and our exhibitions are temporarily closed again for visitors. In the
瑞典独立摇滚乐队Vita Bergen中国巡演 瑞典独立摇滚乐队Vita Bergen即将开启首轮亚洲巡演。9月13日至15日,他们将在北京和上海演出。 在乐器演奏“多面手” William Hellström的带领下,富于旋律性和情感张力的乐队Vita Bergen从家乡哥德堡的地下音乐场景走向欧洲各大音乐节的主流舞台。自他们在2016年发布首张专辑《Disconnection》以来,