Your search on 云南艺术学院毕业证办理【网址】 resulted in 1514 hits

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  • Iran, Teheran

    Embassies / Iran, Teheran

    +98-21-222 964 51 Fax viseringsärenden +98-21-222 860 21 Obs: frågor om viseringar och uppehållstillstånd besvaras 15.00-16.00 söndag till onsdag +98 21 2371 2200

  • Flight from Entebbe to Doha with Qatar Airways on 18 July at 18.40

    Embassies / Uganda, Kampala / Current / News

    Flight from Entebbe to Doha with Qatar Airways on 18 July at 18.40hrs A special flight with Qatar Airways will leave Entebbe on Saturday 18 July to Doha. From Doha, there are connecting flights to

  • Pakistan, Islamabad

    Embassies / Pakistan, Islamabad

    +92 51 207 26 60 +92 51 207 26 00 Visa and migration +92 51 207 26 80 - (closed) Email, visa and migration Email, appointment

  • Om oss

    Embassies / USA, New York / Om oss

    Om oss Om oss Generalkonsulatet i New York grundades 1843 och fokuserar på Sverigefrämjande i bred bemärkelse, bland annat handels- och investeringsfrämjande, kulturfrämjande samt konsulär

  • ヨーロッパ文芸フェスティバル2024

    Embassies / Japan, Tokyo / Current / Calendar

    ヨーロッパ文芸フェスティバル2024 駐日欧州連合(EU)代表部、在日EU加盟国、そして在日EU加盟国文化機関(EUNIC Japan)が主催するヨーロッパ文芸フェスティバルは、欧州の豊かな文学の伝統に触れるまたとない機会を日本の皆さまに提供する欧州文学の祭典です。 2017年の初回以降、毎年秋に開催されているこの文芸フェスティバルでは、欧州の著名な作家や新進気鋭の作家、詩人たちが一堂に会し

  • Switzerland, Bern

    Embassies / Switzerland, Bern

    +41 31 328 70 01 +41 31 328 70 00 E-mail address for passport inquiries Embassy of Sweden in Bern, Switzerland Twitter Ska du resa hit eller

  • Italia, Roma

    Embassies / Italia, Roma

    +39 06 44 194 761 Centralino: lunedì al venerdì 09.00-11.00 (Mercoledì 25 settembre: 8:00 – 09:30 giovedì 26 settembre: il centralino è chiuso) +39 06 44 194 100 Centralino per pratiche d’

  • Tanzania, Dar es Salaam

    Embassies / Tanzania, Dar es Salaam

    Phonenumber +255 22 219 6500 Phonenumber for questions regarding migration E-mail E-mail for questions regarding migration Embassy of Sweden in Dar Es Salaam,

  • USA, New York

    Embassies / USA, New York

    +1 212 583 2585 +1 212 583 2560 Consulate-General of Sweden in New York, USA Instagram Twitter Assistance to Swedish Citizens Non-swedish citizen interested in

  • India, New Delhi

    Embassies / India, New Delhi

    +91 11 4419 7101 Embassy Switchboard (general not migration or visa questions) +91 11 4419 7100 Migration section direct line +91 11 4566 6300 General (not migration or visa questions)