中国:欧洲对外行动署发言人就英国广播公司驻华记者离开及外国记者在华工作一事发表的声明 英国广播公司(BBC)驻华记者沙磊(John Sudworth)和他的妻子、爱尔兰广播电视(RTE)驻华记者伊芳·穆雷(Yvonne Murray)及其家人一起离开了该国。此次离行前,沙磊先生和他的BBC同事长期受到当局的骚扰,包括监视、法律诉讼威胁、阻挠、恐吓,以及官方媒体在网上发布针对他的视频,
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Ny honorärkonsul i Adelaide Sebastian Raneskold har tillträtt som honorärkonsul i Adelaide Vi hälsar Sebastian välkommen! Adress, email och telefon till honorärkonsulatet är följande: Sveriges
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Ambassadens Växel +995 32 255 03 20 Ambassad Telefontid + 995 577 366 900 Sveriges ambassad i Tbilisi, Georgien Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish
Receptionen +389 2 311 20 65 Receptionen telefontid mån-fre 09.00-12.00 +389 2 329 78 80 Migrationsavdelningens telefontid mån-tors 11.00-12.00 +389 2 3297 898 Receptionen ambassaden.skopje@
VFS Global Jakarta VFS Global Jakarta is temporary closed until further notice due to the ongoing developments of Covid-19 and in-line with the local government directive. VFS Global Bali remains
"Sweden is a friend of Israel" - Robert Rydberg, Sweden´s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs In the links below you will find the article in English and in Hebrew. Sweden is a friend of Israel -
Information for Schengen Visa Applicants The demand to apply for a Schengen visa for Sweden at the VFS Global is extremely high at the moment. The Swedish Embassy in Skopje will continuously