Ny honorärkonsul i Split Ny honorärkonsul i Split från 1 maj är Mladen Drnasin. Konsul Drnasin har tagit över efter f.d. konsul Slobodan Aničić, som representerat Sverige i 23 år. Konsulatets
In- och utresebestämmelser Visering krävs för svenska medborgare och ska erhållas före avresan till Libyen. För övriga libyska in- och utresebestämmelser, kontakta Libyens ambassad i Sverige.
+381 11 20 69 250 General inquiries +381 11 20 69 200 Migration Affairs +381 11 20 69 270 General inquiries ambassaden.belgrad@gov.se Migration Affairs ambassaden.belgrad-visum@gov.se
+39 06 44 194 761 Swithchboard: Monday to Friday 09:00-11:00 +39 06 44 194 100 Switchboard Migration matters: Monday 10:00 - 11:00 +39 06 44 194 300 Embassy ambassaden.rom@gov.se Migration
4月17日开放时间变更 4月17日周五,领馆将在中午12点闭馆。 领馆电话及签证处关于签证、居留许可、工作许可的咨询热线也将在下午暂停服务。 China Standard Time
EU Heads of Mission show solidarity with Lithuania EU Heads of Mission in China met to show solidarity with their colleague from Lithuania Ambassador Diana Mickevičienė as she departs Beijing,
Eastern Europe Matters! The Swedish, Polish and Czech Foreign Ministers on the Eastern Partnership’s 10th anniversary. Read full article in English here 👉https://euobserver.com/opinion/143990 Read
Can I apply for a visa to Sweden at the Embassy? No, The Embassy of Sweden in Doha does not issue Schengen visas to Sweden. The Embassy of the Netherlands in Doha is processing Schengen visa
Margot Wallströms declaration Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Margot Wallström made a declaration on Twitter "Forcefully reject unacceptable and unfounded allegation by Russian MFA
VFS Global open for Swedish Schengen visa applications VFS Global will resume their operation for Sweden the 19th October. Schengen visa applications may be submitted Monday and Wednesdays 8-13, but