Ny honorärkonsul i Auckland, Nya Zeeland Catharina Andersson har tillträtt som honorärkonsul i Auckland Vi hälsar Catharina välkommen! Adress, email och telefon till honorärkonsulatet är följande;
Honorärkonsulatet i Melbourne har nya öppettider Nya öppettider och telefontider för honorärkonsulatet i Melbourne Öppettider: Tisdag 10:00-14:30 enligt överenskommelse Fredag 10.00-14:30 enligt
+46 8 723 11 76 +46 8 405 10 00 sbs.vastafrika@gov.se Sveriges ambassad, Benin (Stockholmsbaserad) Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in Sweden Facebook BJ
2018瑞典露西亚庆典 12月8日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆将携手静安嘉里中心举办瑞典圣诞季最重要的庆祝活动之一——露西亚庆典。 在古历中,12月13日的露西亚之夜是一年中最长的夜晚,而露西亚是古老神话中的人物,她担负着一项永恒的职责,就是为瑞典黑暗冬季带来光明。 在瑞典传统的露西亚庆祝仪式中,一群以“露西亚”为首的少年少女或孩子身穿白色长袍,头戴电蜡烛环绕的王冠,随着室内灯光变暗,一边唱歌,
The Honorary Consulate in Bali will not receive any visa applications. Starting January 2019 the Honorary Consulate in Bali will not receive any visa applications. You can contact VFS Global for
New Honorary Consul for Sweden in Suva, Fiji Mareca Seduadua has been appointed Honorary Consul for Sweden in Suva We welcome Mareca! Contact details to the Honorary Consulate of Sweden in Suva is
I am getting married to a Swedish man/woman. Can you explain in Japanese how to get a marriage license? This information is available in swedish, please ask your swedish parter to translate the
Newsletter Below you'll find information about some of the Consulate's events in New York in the most recent edition of our newsletter. You will also find information about other Swedish events
+46 8 723 11 76 +46 8 405 10 00 sbs.belgien.luxemburg@gov.se Embassy of Sweden, Luxembourg (Stockholm-based) Twitter Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested in
+33 3 88 24 48 30 +33 3 88 24 60 50 rpsuede@gov.se Permanent Representation of Sweden to the Council of Europe, Strasbourg Ska du resa hit eller är du redan här? Non-swedish citizen interested