12: How do I renew my driving license? If you move to Austria you can use your Swedish driving licence until its validity period expires. Afterwards the Swedish driving license must be replaced by a
12: How do I renew my driving license? If you move to Slovenia you can use your Swedish driving licence until its validity period expires. Afterwards the Swedish driving license must be replaced by
The Embassy is closed on 1 and 2 May The Embassy is closed on Monday 1 May and Tuesday 2 May. We open again on Wednesday 3 May. Central European Standard Time
The embassy is closed on 26 December and 2 January The embassy is closed on 26 December and 2 January due to public holidays. Central European Standard Time
New ministers at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Maria Malmer Stenergard is the new Minister for Foreign Affairs and head of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and Benjamin Dousa is the new Minister
New ministers at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Maria Malmer Stenergard is the new Minister for Foreign Affairs and head of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and Benjamin Dousa is the new Minister
商界领袖会聚北京讨论性别平等与企业社会责任 (联合新闻稿) 2019年11月26日,北京 – 由联合国妇女署中国办公室、欧洲联盟驻华代表团及瑞典驻华大使馆联合举办的2019性别平等与企业社会责任国际会议,旨在评估总结私营部门推动性别平等取得的进展和仍需采取的行动。 近250位私营企业领袖、社会企业家、社会组织代表及欧盟、联合国官员汇聚北京,探讨性别平等与企业社会责任之间的关系。
+61 2 6270 2755 +61 2 6270 2700 Embassy of Sweden in Canberra, Australia Sweden Twitter Facebook swedeninoz AU Australia Canberra AUS Eastern Standard Time Embassy of Sweden in Canberra
致所有申根签证申请人的重要信息 目前,瑞典驻上海总领事馆正处于申根签证申请的高负荷工作状态。申根签证审理时间一般是15个自然日,总领事馆目前仍在该限期内做出决定。但请申请人注意,计算时间不是从申请提交至VFS签证申请中心之日开始计算,而是从总领事馆收到申请之日起计算。 总领事馆以收到签证申请的先后顺序来审理,而非您的出发日期。尤其是在旺季,请准备好您的行程并尽可能提前申请。
新任瑞典驻华大使向中国国家主席习近平递交了国书 5月28日,新任瑞典驻华大使宋莲向习近平主席递交了国书。宋莲大使于2019年5月16日抵达北京担任新职务。现在宋莲大使已经呈递了国书,她正式成为了瑞典在中国北京的代表。 宋莲大使在瑞典外交部工作了30年。她曾担任瑞典外交部亚洲司司长、驻马来西亚大使和驻伊朗大使,还曾任职于河内、赫尔辛基和罗马等地。 关于国书。新任大使以及新任高级专员抵达中国之后