Mudar-se com alguém na Suécia A Agência de Migração da Suécia é a autoridade responsável por todas as solicitações de permissão de residência na Suécia. Alguns passos do processo são realizados
Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE, Volume 2023 Numéro 2 Les Perspectives économiques de l’OCDE, publication semestrielle, présentent l’analyse, par l’Organisation, des principales évolutions et
+54 11 4319 5199 +54 11 4319-5100 Konsulära frågor inkl. pass och medborgarskap Sveriges ambassad i Buenos Aires, Argentina Twitter
《2020年商业环境调查》于上海发布 9月10日,瑞典驻上海总领事馆,中国瑞典商会和瑞典贸易投资委员会共同发布《 2020年商业环境调查》结果,并向上海瑞典商务代表做系列演讲。瑞典新任驻上海总领事司梅女士(Marie-Claire Swärd Capra)致欢迎辞。 此项调查是于2020年5月和2020年6月进行的,其依据是近百家在中国开展业务的瑞典公司的意见。 在该研究中,
中国国庆假期间开放时间(黄金周) 总领事馆将于10月2日至3日闭馆,并于10月4日星期三照常开放。如发生领事紧急情况,您可以随时拨打总领事馆总机或+46 8 405 5005联系斯德哥尔摩外交部领事保护中心。 China Standard Time
到瑞典留学需要申请的许可类别 如果您即将赴瑞典学习超过三 个月,您必须有居留许可。您的申请必须在入境瑞典前有处理结果。如果您的学习时间少于三个月,您需要签证入境瑞典,除非您的情况被排除在该要求之外。 由瑞典移民局处理申请并决定您是否有学习许可权。详细信息见移民局官网。
The embassy office is open for visitors Thursday 2 November The embassy office will be open on Thursday 2 November 2023 between 09.00-11.00, for drop-in visitors who wish to collect their passports
Overall assistance to those affected by the eathquakes The earthquakes that struck Türkiye and Syria have caused enormous devastation. The Swedish Government and its agencies are continuing their
The Embassy is closed on Good Friday 2 April We are open again on Monday 5 April. Israel Standard Time
Legalisation and apostille formality within the EU Pursuant to an EU Regulation which promotes the free movement of citizens, certain public documents and their certified copies are exempt from