瑞典驻华大使馆从4月2日到4月5日闭馆 瑞典驻华大使馆将于4月2日闭馆四天。4月6日正常开放。 China Standard Time
瑞典当代版画展览 5月5日-6月30日,瑞典版画家协会精选47人作品展在上海The Space展出。 本次展览的作品选自瑞典版画家协会和哥德堡版画家协会,展出了47位瑞典专业版画艺术家的70余件作品。他们来自不同背景,作品风格多元,共同呈现出近十年来瑞典当代版画艺术的面貌。 6月17日,哥德堡版画家协会会长比约·特克森(Bjoern Therkelson)将带来一场主题为“
欧盟和七国集团通过对俄罗斯的新制裁 Press releases. 巴黎 11/03/2022 3月11日(星期五),欧盟和我们七国集团的伙伴通过了对俄罗斯的一揽子新的限制性措施。 这套新的制裁措施影响到贸易、市场准入、国际金融机构成员资格、加密资产、奢侈品出口并针对钢铁和能源部门。 欧洲委员会主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)在声明中说: “
+971 2 417 88 50 +971 2 417 88 00 Generella frågor Ambassaden.abu-dhabi@gov.se Passfrågor ambassaden.abu.dhabi-pass@gov.se Migrationsfrågor Ambassaden.abu-dhabi-migration@gov.se Sveriges
12: How do I renew my driving license? If you move to Austria you can use your Swedish driving licence until its validity period expires. Afterwards the Swedish driving license must be replaced by a
12: How do I renew my driving license? If you move to Slovenia you can use your Swedish driving licence until its validity period expires. Afterwards the Swedish driving license must be replaced by
The Embassy is closed on 1 and 2 May The Embassy is closed on Monday 1 May and Tuesday 2 May. We open again on Wednesday 3 May. Central European Standard Time
The embassy is closed on 26 December and 2 January The embassy is closed on 26 December and 2 January due to public holidays. Central European Standard Time
New ministers at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Maria Malmer Stenergard is the new Minister for Foreign Affairs and head of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and Benjamin Dousa is the new Minister
New ministers at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Maria Malmer Stenergard is the new Minister for Foreign Affairs and head of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and Benjamin Dousa is the new Minister