Renovação de passaporte para adultos A forma mais econômica e simples de fazer a solicitação de passaporte/carteira de identidade é durante uma visita na Suécia. O tempo normal de processamento é
Vacancy notice: One-year Assignment as a Programme Officer for Inclusive Economic Development and Programme Administrator at the Embassy of Sweden This recruitment is for a one year assignment at
Statement by Sweden at the 10th NPT Review Conference, Main Committee II Statement delivered by Sweden at the 10th NPT Review Conference, Main Committee II, United Nations, New York. Chair, Sweden
UN, New York Sweden in the UN Security Council After being elected by a wide margin to the United Nations Security Council, Sweden was a non-permanent member of the Council for the 2017–2018 term.
Coordination number for Swedish children in Nigeria Coordination number for children that are born outside of Sweden and have not been residing in Sweden. Please read the information below
High-Level Segment of the Conference on Disarmament Statement delivered by H.E. Ms Anna Jardfelt, Permanent Representative. President, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, I am pleased to address
Le discours de la fête nationale suédoise Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le discours de Madame l'Ambassadeur Maria Håkansson de la fête nationale le 6 juin 2019. Honorables députés et sénateurs,
Sverige i FN:s säkerhetsråd Efter att ha röstats in i FN:s säkerhetsråd med stor marginal satt Sverige under 2017 och 2018 som icke-permanent medlem i säkerhetsrådet. Sverige har som principfast
Organizações da sociedade civil reúnem-se para uma reflexão conjunta sobre o impacto das suas intervenções – Fórum Anual Consultivo do AGIR Cerca de 60 organizações da sociedade civil do programa
Contexto do país Moçambique é um dos dez países mais pobres do mundo. O fosso social continua a alargar-se. Embora com atrasos, continua em curso o acordo de paz de 2019 sobre Desarmamento,