Rio de Janeiro tem novo Consul-Geral Honorário da Suécia O Consulado Geral da Suécia no Rio de Janeiro recebeu, neste primeiro de abril, um novo cônsul geral honorário. Jan Lomholdt assumiu o cargo
瑞典护照 您可以在瑞典驻上海总领事馆申请换发瑞典普通护照、紧急护照及ID卡。若您在瑞典驻华大使馆,瑞典驻香港总领事馆或其他护照办理机构递交了申请,您可以于递交申请时选择于瑞典驻上海总领事馆领取护照。 护照申请与领取皆需提前与领馆预约。 领馆受理护照业务的时间为周三13:30-16:00。请带好填妥的表格按时前来。如果您不能按时前来,请您取消预约的时间。 您可以通过银行卡,
EF英孚教育荣获“社会创新领导者”奖项 9月17日,瑞典企业EF英孚教育荣获由中国欧盟商会颁发的“可持续商业奖-社会创新领导者”奖项。 此次是中国欧盟商会连续第三年颁发“可持续商业奖”,瑞典驻上海总领事林莉女士(Ms. Lisette Lindahl)作为评委会成员之一,亲自为EF英孚教育颁发该奖项。颁奖典礼在上海四季酒店举行。 China Standard Time
Vacancy announcement for National Program Officer for Gender Equality The Embassy of Sweden in Beirut is recruiting a National Program Officer for Gender Equality The Embassy of Sweden in Beirut
Sweden takes its seat on the UN Security Council Sweden’s non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council began on January 1, 2017. This comes at a time marked by many complex conflicts. Syria
Webinar on the US and MENA On March 24, the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa hosted a webinar entitled,” The United States and the MENA region – what to expect with
#Bergman100 em Vitória Em comemoração ao Centenário do nascimento de Ingmar Bergman, o Cine Metrópolis, com apoio da Embaixada da Suécia no Brasil, exibirá, de 19 a 25/07, cinco longas-metragens de
Sobre nós Bem-vindo à Embaixada da Suécia em Brasília. A tarefa da embaixada é representar a Suécia e o governo sueco no Brasil e promover os interesses da Suécia. A embaixadora da Suécia no Brasil
How to apply The quickest and easiest way to apply for a residence permit is to apply online. An online application goes directly to the Swedish Migration Agency. If you are unable to apply online,
Statement by the EU Presidency at the ECOSOC Partnership Forum Statement on behalf of the European Union and its Member States by H.E. Ms. Anna Karin Eneström, Ambassador and Permanent