Nordic Statement at the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN) Joint Nordic Statement, delivered by H.E. Anna Karin Eneström, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN, at the Intergovernmental
Statement by the Swedish Youth Delegate to the 74th Session of the Third Committee Statement at the 74th session of the Third Committee, delivered by Katja Holböll, Swedish Youth Delegate to the UN.
Emergency passport If your passport has been lost or stolen, you can apply for an emergency or ordinary passport at the Consulate General in Shanghai. An emergency passport in A4 format can usually
北欧与乌克兰团结一致:一周年 丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威和瑞典首相的联合声明 今天,距离俄罗斯全面入侵乌克兰已经过去了一年的时间。这场毫无理由、无端且非法的军事进攻在过去的365天中造成了难以想象的痛苦、死亡和破坏,其规模是二战以来欧洲大陆上从未见过的。在这场侵略战争中,数百万人流离失所,并不得不与家人分离。时至今日,针对平民和重要基础设施所发起的令人发指的袭击还在持续伤害着众多无辜和弱势群体。
Webinar Water & Security On October 28th the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa hosted a webinar centred around the theme of water and security, including aspects of
Interview with Patrik Berglund, Swedish Tax Agency Expert Mr. Berglund, thank you for the availability of answering to several questions on your job and collaboration between Swedish Tax Agency and
Rio de Janeiro tem novo Consul-Geral Honorário da Suécia O Consulado Geral da Suécia no Rio de Janeiro recebeu, neste primeiro de abril, um novo cônsul geral honorário. Jan Lomholdt assumiu o cargo
Call for Concept Notes: Sustainable agriculture, food security and livelihood opportunities in Niassa, Mozambique This Call for Concept Notes is part of the Embassy of Sweden’s efforts to design a
女性经济赋权主题讲座和展览 瑞典驻上海总领事馆于 3 月 6 日举办了女性经济赋权促进全球可持续发展活动,作为瑞典担任欧盟理事会轮值主席国期间的活动之一。本次讲座强调经济赋权作为性别平等基石之一的重要性,是女性独立的基础。 出色嘉宾阵容包括来自汽车行业、工业和 STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)领域的行业领袖参与讨论, 恩华特集团大中华区、东南亚及印度区总裁兼首席执行官王艾英博士主持本次讲座
#Bergman100 em Vitória Em comemoração ao Centenário do nascimento de Ingmar Bergman, o Cine Metrópolis, com apoio da Embaixada da Suécia no Brasil, exibirá, de 19 a 25/07, cinco longas-metragens de